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It was quite surprising to see a gay armenian character in such a game. The duduk also made it incredibly good. As an armenian guy, I did really enjoy his route. Thank you!


I'm so glad you liked the representation!
(although recognizing the duduk must have been, inherently, kind of a spoiler for you :P )

(2 edits) (+1)

It was (let alone his name :D)! Really nice piece, at some point I was just sitting and listening to it instead of playing the game. It is not long, but still enough to appreciate it.

(1 edit) (+3)

I was one of the people who was lambasting the game because I thought I got burned on the Kickstarter. And now I feel I'm one of the game's biggest fans because it's honestly very good.

Maybe it was just that my expectations were so low, but there is a ton to this game. It's longer than I thought it'd be, lots of variety between the many routes, and treads some unexpected ground in terms of LGBTQ+ issues. It's not too deep, but it does feel like Coming Out On Top with respect to the heart that shines through in the game's writing. You can tell that the creator loved what they were doing in spite of the pain it was clearly causing them.

The inconsistency of the art holds it back somewhat, and I'm still figuring out how I feel about its structure, but overall I think AMAP is fantastic!

Your comment caused me a rollercoaster of emotions <3
Thank you for the nice words!

Aww, I hope it wasn't too bumpy of a ride! 😅

Still loving the game, btw! Hope you get to enjoy its success, and that you can take care of yourself, too. Happy Pride!


I just finished the game. First of all, I've been aware of the wild roller coaster ride the backers of this game experienced. I didn't back it on Kickstarter (been burned so many times in the past), but my best friend did, so this game has been on my radar. How the devs handled the whole situation was unfortunate and frustrating, so I hope it brings some comfort that it's finally here and that they didn't pay for nothing.

So, onto the game itself. Now, this isn't really a complaint but more of an observation: there were so many visual inconsistencies in this game, especially when it comes to the models and CG scenes. I read in the apology/release note that they hired two extra artists to help finish the art, and I think that's the reason why there were different art styles. It took me out of the immersion at times, but it was fine in the end. As for the story, some storylines were so good, and some were just ok. Lots of stereotypical plotlines--some bordering on the outrageous--but it kinda works for this game. That whole thing with Toxic and the other queens was something. LOL. There were a lot of cute moments, too, especially with the ever-so-unaware Diego. I also loved Levon's route. It even made me emotional at times. I also like that there are varied love interests. Most often than not with gay visual novels, we only get either twinks or hunks. One thing that I found missing was a gallery for the unlocked CG scenes. I hope the devs can patch it into the game to make it easier to know if you've already found all the CGs.

Overall, I liked the game enough to keep playing and trying out different paths and decisions to get different kinds of endings. If you love gay visual novels like I do, I think you'll have a good time with the game. :)

Will the walkthrough ever be available for purchase for those who did not back the Kickstarter?

I don't really want to put it up for sale, but the truth is I might have to upload it here on so I can mass-send it to the kickstarter backers (so far I have been sending it individually) and will force me to put a price on it, so stay tuned :(

I am definitely interested with the walkthrough :D


I'm really enjoying the game, but I think I messed something up on Diego's route as he disappeared after someones birthday....

Any hints on what to do differently or if I should re-start?

I think you sent me an email about that, and I just replied ;)


I completed my first playthrough last night doing Levons route and I found myself crying. It was incredibly well written and the scenes were really hot.

My only real complaint so far is that there isn’t a gallery to view artwork for scenes we’ve unlocked. Is that something you’d ever consider adding or do you plan to not do any major updates going forward?


That is so nice to hear! Levon's route was one of my favorites to write <3
a gallery is in the works, don't know how long it will take though :)

Someone made a comment about Deniz's route being bugged. Just to add to that, I was trying to follow the Deniz route and I left Maria's party early. It tracks as though I stayed after the party and started on the Diego route even though I left so I ended up following Diego's path rather than Deniz's. I hope this input helps

what?!? That's incredibly strange! 
Can you send me an email with the approximate choices you made regarding Diego and Deniz before/during the party?

Never mind, I fixed it.
The 1.02 version will soon be up and you can download it and load a save from the party scene and continue on :)

been having a lot of trouble trying to download the game. first download got interrupted because it got replaced with a new release, second one got interrupted because the files are apparently just gone.

if you're uploading a new version for a bug fix, you don't need to delete the old one right away; hope i can play the game soon.

Hey lime,

give it a few minutes, is being dumb and not uploading the new mac version.
I think I have to always rename the new versions so they dont get automatically replaced by :/

Thanks for the reply, I'll keep an eye on it and grab it when I can!

And yeah, it took me a while to realize itch does that myself. No worries.


Should be ready to download now! :)

how do I buy the full version

Please try again, I was just uploading a new update of the full version :)

ahh that's why, playing it now, I'm loving it so far.

Hi Voldara, I'm sorry, I deleted your other comment because it's a bit too early in the game for this spoiler, if you want to speculate or ask about spoilers please email me at :P
I know eventually the spoilers will get around, but Day 2 of release feels a bit too soon :P

oh sure, sorry I didn't know it was a spoiler lol.

You were right about the first thing you assumed, however :P


Just started playing it, an hour in the game or so. Must say, the quality is superb! The art, music, atmosphere - everything. Even little UI tweaks, so pretty! It was worth the waiting, good job!

thank you so much :)


how can i get the walkthrough that i was supposed to receive with the kickstarter campaign? 

send me an email at and also tell me the email you were using for kickstarter :)

(1 edit)

anywhere we can report bugs? i'm getting a lot on Deniz route. Can't even select anyone to  call from prison with out an error message popping up and it selecting Maria to come. It's my second route trying (with walkthrough yes i know cheater cheater pumpkin eater)

Had none on Diego's route

Can you tell me a bit more so I can pinpoint the bug. What was the last time you saw Deniz before the prison scene and what was said between you and him?

And you mean you had no bugs on Diego's route or no calls to make? Sorry, just need to be sure.

if you have the time, please send me an email at and detail all the bugs you see in the Deniz route, and also if you are playing the Mac or PC version.

I'll replay/ continue from my last save and take screenshots to show what i mean and sent an email

No bugs on his route. Sorry if that wasn't clear.


25 bucks?  I think I'll wait for a sale.


So… it has been a long time coming. I wanted to share some thoughts now that I’ve completed my first play-through of the full game released today.

For those still unsure about it: I can confirm that All Men Are Pigs is a completed project! If you’re a KS supporter, you will need to link it to Itch first (that’s what I had to do) but you’re look at ~500MB download for PC.

My thoughts:

  • It is of a good length – my play-through took several hours which means it is longer than many visual novels here.
  • There are multiple routes offering replayability.
  • The characters are interesting and represent many different people within the queer community.
  • There is plenty of humour, sass, and drama available for those that want it.
  • The production values, writing, and music are well done.
  • A few CGs were clearly from a different artists - not a huge issue as it was explained by the team but it was worth mentioning as part of an honest assessment.

I’m really pleased to see the novel come to fruition. I enjoyed the AMAP demo so much that it became the first VN I supported on KS back in 2019 - the end product (for me at least) is exactly what I had hoped to see.

I’ve played a lot of visual novels over the years – on Itch, Steam, PSN, etc. – and this currently sits comfortably in my Top 10 <3

Hello. In your comment at a Kickstarter you mentioned linking kickstarter to How can i do that?

You need to scroll down to the bottom of this post:

At the bottom of the post there is a link - click it. It will then compare your Itch email address with the KS back access list. If they are the same it will give you access to the full game.

If you are using a different email address... you'll probably need to message the developer.

thanks, i was able to get the game and play it.


I used to be so excited for this game, but years of ghosting and silence by the developer has me thinking this is a scam or an attempt to bait-n-switch people. It's sad to see how badly this developer has treated supporters of this game. Did they ever fulfill their promises to their Kickstarter supporters from over 3 years ago?


we are currently working on sharing the game with the backers on Kickstarter as they paid for the game all those years ago, so they are our priority now,  hopefully word of mouth will turn things around and you can trust us again :)

Deleted 1 year ago

We made a post earlier today with an explanation/ apology in itch and kickstarter, I'm not asking for any points for that but you can read it :)

(5 edits) (+2)

Ok update! they reached out on kickstarter and apologized for the long delay and silence. They had IRL stuff get in the way but they kept working on the game. I have now received the game and one of my extra rewards


Thank for for updating your comment, although I didn't mind the original comment, it was mean but understandable and fair :)


I am surprised this game got an update if anyone buys the game lmk if its a continuation and not a scam. ty <3

(2 edits) (+5)

so whos going to take the bullet and tell us if theres a good amt of content for $25 <3

who wouldve thought this game would pop up on my feed though LOL. maybe even 1st degree will come back


The purchase price is now $25. Is the game actually finished or is this just a money grab for the demo?

Because my notices said "Updated minimum price to $25.00. Added platform macOS. Added a demo."

Deleted 1 year ago

Hello, we are currently working on sharing the game with the backers on Kickstarter as they paid for the game all those years ago, so they are our priority now,  hopefully word of mouth will turn things around and you can trust us again :)

There is no new demo, I just updated the filename of the demos so people can tell apart the demos from the full game.

Also I deleted the Mac demo by mistake because I'm an idiot :(

Oh that explains it. Hopefully, I'm just glad ya'll decided to keep trying and released the game. Good luck

nothing mentioned on their Twitter in 4 years..,

(1 edit) (+8)

yknow it’s crazy to think that it’s been over 2 years now I know developing. A game takes time and stuff but I actually enjoyed this game when I first heard about it and played the demo and enjoyed it and even backed the kickstarter for it and have yet to hear anything about this at this point I’m wondering if the devs just gave up on this and said screw it and took the money and just said fuck it it’s unfortunate that something so nice looking and sounded interesting and full of potential ended up getting abandoned in the end maybe one day we’ll hear something maybe not but it’s just a shame this happened hopefully we’ll hear something someday and get an explanation if something happened as well🤦🏾‍♂️ 


So it's been well over a year since the last update and almost nine months since the anticipated release date. I'm guessing you guys just kept everyone's money? I missed the Kickstarter and only just found this project now. I would have backed it (it looks amazing), but it seems you guys haven't fulfilled your obligations. Do you have an update for those who supported you and got burned? This is exactly the behaviour that makes me hesitant to back Kickstarter campaigns.


I discovered this project on another site, and there was a tag "abandoned" next to the title... I feel bad for people who paid for Kickstarter and have been waiting for it to happen.


I still have hope for this game, which makes me feel like a pig.


so what do we (people who backed you on Kickstarter/Patreon, wherever?) do now that we aren't gonna get the game? I know its silly to quibble over this but I was really looking forward to this game.


never silly if you paid for it


SO backed this game on kickstarter, said it was going to be released....WHEN can we expect an UPDATE or anything? I really am trying to be patient, otherwise please just issue a refund...and good luck to you guys, going to Dead Dating game.....


Good game from what I've played so far was checking go see if it would be more on the way...Anyways hope the people over this project is safe!!


I don't know if it is a dead game/scam...  For one they said the CG scenes were the last thing they had to do... and they didn't want to rush them (also it's only a dev team of two). I mean the real biggest mistake was giving a expected summer release date after saying not certain on when they would release it. And they did show lots of stuff after the Kickstarter finished, so it's not like they didn't work on it, they had quite alot done...  Maybe I'm just too optimistic. Well only time will tell, maybe, or not at all.

(3 edits) (+13)

I think the issue here is that they haven't communicated anything, eventhoug they have to because of Kitstarter's rules.


I get that... they haven't been communicating for the past 4 months or so... And there could be many reasons as to why they've gone silent, probably the most obvious reasons are overwhelmed, have nothing new to present, or just simply it was a scam from the get go...


It's actually been over 6 months since they gave any update. We're on month 4 since summer though. 

I agree with you. I don't think this was a scam, like you said they have put in real work that wasn't something they could just pull out of nowhere. Work they did after they got the money, which doesn't make sense since Kickstarter doesn't actually require an end product to be released and won't offer refunds unless the creator does it. Since it's a crowdfunding platform, people don't actually buy a product, rather than fund a project in hopes of getting an end product in return. Most likely, the artist or both of them got burned out, and progress on the remaining CGs came to a standstill.  What's unfortunate is that if my guess is right, they really should've been transparent about their progress. Now they've really burned a lot of bridges, and a lot of their supporters are pissed. 

I'm still holding out hope that we'll get a surprise update with the release date, when the game is 99.99% done. Doubt they will give another update before all the art is done. 

(1 edit) (+1)

i agree. might be getting high off copium here, but the assets we've seen so far don't seem to indicate they just stopped development and left. they were definitely still working on this as late as the last update.. it just kinda sucks that we don't know what's been going on since. again, I fully realize that I may be too optimistic, but I'm still pretty convinced we haven't seen the end of this project yet


had hope for their game , unfortunate way to end.

(1 edit) (+2)

I know you guys said there’d only be one more update(the release), but please do a small one just to let people know you’re still working on it! The demo was so promising, and I’m really looking forward to the release!




this sucks because yes, it's been a while since they gave any updates. I was liking the game 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same, the artwork was super unique and I really loved it.. I guess I will have to check other games then :/

same 😅

Any luck finding other hidden gems? 

Gay visual novels are soooo rare it *sucks* lol. 

(1 edit)

Hii!! I can't wait for the release, I'm really looking foward to play the full game when is ready!! I hope everything is going well! uwu

Since I found this game months ago, I'm happily awaiting its release since it looks so promising. Are there any more news coming soon about the release etc.? I know, that shouldn't be pushy, since you're at the final stretch and try to perfect everything, but I can't help it and wanted to ask. Keep up this good work!

They are supposed to have one more update to tell us when it releases, which hopefully will be in the summer.

I wish there was an update on this :( or at least on the demo

Is this a free game or pay for game doesn't really matter I'm 100% getting this game keep up the awesome work

Do you have an idea what price the full game will be?

Any update on the final release?

Not yet. Stay tuned, tho :)

i cant wait i loved the demo u guys know my taste in games

Just played it yesterday and the farthest you could go is meeting Diego and wait for him to shower. Even playing it for a short amount of time, I can't help fell in love with this game and can't wait for the updates and full release of the game

We're so glad you liked it!
Wait and see what the full game will be like :D

Can't wait for this game


so the last time I played this, the farthest the game really went was Diego in the shower, how far can we Go Diego Go these days? lol


When the full game is out you can go all the way :D

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